If you are interested in reviewing, interviewing or getting in touch with me, please take a look at the full Jane Davis media kit below. Can’t find what you are looking for or have a question? Get in contact and drop me a line for more information.


Jane Davis’s  first novel, Half-truths and White Lies, won the Daily Mail First Novel Award in 2008 and was described by Joanne Harris as ‘A story of secrets, lies, grief and, ultimately, redemption, charmingly handled by this very promising new writer.’ The Bookseller featured her in their ‘One to Watch’ section.

She has since published nine further novels, These Fragile Things, I Stopped Time, A Funeral for an Owl (these three released as a three book boxed-set called Second Chapter), An Unchoreographed Life, An Unknown Woman, Writing Magazine’s Self-published Book of the Year 2016, My Counterfeit Self, Smash all the Windows (winner of the Selfies Award for best independently published work of fiction, 2019, and featured in the multi-author boxed-set Not Little Women)At the Stroke of Nine O’Clock and Small Eden. Compulsion Reads describe her as ‘a phenomenal writer whose ability to create well-rounded characters that are easy to relate to feels effortless.’

Jane lives in Carshalton, Surrey with her Formula 1 obsessed, star-gazing, beer-brewing partner, surrounded by growing piles of paperbacks, CDs and general chaos. When she’s not writing, you will often find Jane halfway up a mountain with a camera in hand.

Author Photos


Author photographs may be used for press purposes with a credit to the photographer, Rock and Rose. 

Cover Photos

Covers may be used for press purposes.


I Stopped Time by Jane Davis https://books2read.com/istoppedtime   These Fragile Things by Jane Davis https://books2read.com/thesefragilethings   A Funeral for an Owl by Jane Davis https://books2read.com/afuneralforanowl       HTAWL_300

REVISED EBOOK COVER REDUCED   An Unknown Woman by Jane Davis https://books2read.com/anunknownwoman   My Counterfeit Self by Jane Davishttps://books2read.com/u/3kZveg    Smash all the Windows https://books2read.com/u/bwWELa

At the Stroke of Nine O'Clock https://books2read.com/u/38MxzB   Second Chapter by Jane Davis https://books2read.com/u/baaJRxThe London Collection by Jane Davis https://books2read.com/u/4AOyxphttps://jane-davis.co.uk


The cover for Half-truths and White Lies was designed by Claire Ward. The revised (indigo) cover for I Stopped Time was designed by Jessica Bell. The cover for These Fragile Things and the covers for the box sets were designed by JD Design. All other book covers by Andrew Candy. Please contact me for more information.

Book Information

If you are a media outlet or book blogger and would like to review one of my books, click on the relevant book for release information

AUL_Metaslider  FFAO_Metaslider  These Fragile Things https://books2read.com/thesefragilethings    HTAWL_Metaslider


An Unknown Woman finalJDV-MCS2016-Clays-02The London Collection https://books2read.com/u/4AOyxp


Take a look on the excerpt page for free chapters and previews from my books.