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Stark prophecies, harsh warnings

“One major publisher tells me that High Street booksellers are in much worse shape than most of us imagine. We know about the closures, but we don’t know that this publisher has put many shops on “stop”, meaning they will no longer supply them until old invoices are paid. For a publisher desperate for a High Street presence for its books, that is an action taken only as a very last resort.”  Will Gompertz, BBC Arts Editor 

“But if I want a conversation about what to read next, with a literature-loving someone who has a good idea of my tastes, Lord help me, because soon, there won’t be a local bookshop that can.” Nina Caplan, The Telegraph

“Hundreds of independent bookshops could be forced to close unless local  authorities do more to support them, a leading retail group has warned.” In his letter to council chiefs he (Tim Godfray) said that bookshops have “found the going   tough” for the last few years. He argued that bookshops promote literacy, build community character and “contribute to the distinct flavour” of a neighbourhood.The Telegraph, 9th July 2012

“I do know this: the public’s wallets will decide if we’ll continue to have independent bookstores.” Jane Laqclerque, Fireside Bookstore, closing after 32 years in business.