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Definition of Disappointment

Having just caught up with Jen Campbell’s lovely blog, and read about a poem called, ‘what is the most shop-lifted book in the world?’ I decided to look the answer up.

The answer: The Bible.

The most shop-lifted book of all time? Still The Bible.

Where is your imagination? I had hoped for something that would be particularly embarrassing to hand over at the counter (precisely why God invented Amazon). Erotica, perhaps, or the guiltiest pleasure imaginable -or possibly the ultimate coffee table book; something reassuringly expensive. (My favourite is Lartique: Album of a Century, a thing of beauty and the ultimate companion to while away a rainy afternoon; possibly a little too heavy to shop-lift.)    

There was, however, hope’s feint glimmer. Jeffrey Eugenides, The Virgin Suicides is, according the Telegraph, the most shoplifted book of modern times. This is more like it, people!