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A Fresh Week

This week is kicking off to a somewhat faltering start. There are no trains to take me to work in Wimbledon, but I am delighted with my first review on Amazon for These Fragile Things – from a Top 500 reviewer, no less. 

“Having read both Half-truths & White Lies and I Stopped Time, two very different books, I was keen to see what delights were on offer in this book. I was not disappointed.
The story is set in Streatham, London in the early 80’s. Judy Jones, pops into a telephone box to have a conversation, without her mother listening in, when a wall collapses on her. Religion, in particular Catholicism, feature strongly as themes of near-death experiences and religious fervour, not subject matter I’d normally seek out, but the strength of the writing lifts the subject matter making it immensely readable. I was instantly drawn into the book and really wanted to know how the family would cope with all the changes including Judy’s father converting to Catholicism against her mother’s wishes.
Jane Davis really does bring characters to life, mothers, fathers, friends, teachers are all perfectly described along with their actions and reactions to events. I love the occasional asides, an overheard conversation here, or a mental comparison of one home with another there, all of which helps to anchor the story.
Ultimately relationships, albeit in extraordinary circumstances, are central to this book.
I was pleased to see there is a preview of another book included in the kindle edition by this talented writer.”

Thank you so much to Cleo Bannister. I am not alone.