Today, I’m delighted to welcome Molly Gambiza to my blog. As a young girl in Uganda, Molly knew she wanted to see the world so, when an opportunity arose to work as a nanny in England, she jumped at the chance. She arrived in the United Kingdom speaking only a little English and taught herself to speak the language by reading as many novels as possible.
Molly Gambiza met her future husband just as she was preparing to return home. She knew he was the one when he travelled to Uganda to ask for her hand in marriage. Now living in the United Kingdom, the couple has been married for twenty-five years. They have two grown sons, who occasionally pop in to make sure they haven’t been written into their mother’s latest manuscript.
While working as a receptionist, Molly Gambiza is passionate about writing and fashion. She has published three novels: True Colours, Mistaken Identity: What happens when no-one can tell you or your sister apart and A Woman’s Weakness.
Q: Molly, please tell us how you came to be a writer?
A: My desire to write started from an early age when I was still at primary school. My school didn’t have enough text books so we had to share where you would find ten heads bent over one book. I found such lack of books very frustrating, the desire to create more books was born during that time. I am pleased I fulfilled my dreams.
Q: Who gave you your first encouragement?
A: After reading so many books by different writers, from different walks of life, the desire to create my own book and share with other readers became so strong, it was time to give back. Reading gives me pleasure, it’s educational, entertaining and I am happy to be sharing that knowledge.
Q: What do you think the greatest advantage of self-publishing is?
A: I like to be in control of my own creation, but of course they are certain areas which are beyond my control such as editing and proof reading. I seek professional editors and proof readers.
Q: As a self-published author, how do you divide your time between writing and marketing?
ANS: I advertise through social network which I find very effective. I don’t have time set for marketing. I market my work when I get a slot, and usually it’s during coffee breaks, at hair salons or someone asking how my weekend went. I always find a space to talk about my work.
Q: Have you ever started writing a short story and thought, this has the potential to be a novel?
A: When I started writing A Woman’s Weakness, it was supposed to be a short story of 5000 words. Eva had a lot to share with other women, she carried so much on her shoulders and every page had a message for every woman. I hit my keyboard with such force, I forgot everything around me and when I finally checked the word count, I had gone beyond my limit. If there is a woman out there whom I have not touched in my third novel A Woman’s Weakness, I would like to know their secret.

Q: Are there any books that you find yourself returning to time and time again?
A: My bookshelf has over 300 titles. I do read them again and again. To me, reading is like watching a movie or a favourite series. I have lost count how many times I have watched Friends – as in Rachel, Monica, and Phoebe, Ross, Joey and Chandler. When I enjoy reading a book, I don’t mind repeating it.
Q: Some writers need silence, others like the buzz of a coffee shop, the rumble of a train, or their favoourite music. Which type are you?
A: I prefer music to help with my emotions. When I am writing a love scene, I listen to a romantic song. If it’s heart ache, I listen to sad songs and even shed a few tears on my keyboard.
Q: What do you do when you are not writing? Any hobbies or party tricks?
A: I work full-time as a receptionist, I read and also enjoy preparing different types of dishes, trying different recipes for my family. I write on public transport on my way to and from work. I don’t have a single moment when I am not doing something, except when I go to sleep.
You can find out more about Molly and her writing on her website, or by following her on Twitter @GambizaMolly, Facebook or Instagram-@mollygambiza.
Great article on Molly Gambiza. A mother who seems to fill every hour with good, honest hard work. This is how we get books written, even when you have a full-time job. She is an example to us all.
I always say you are an inspiration. Your love for writing and impacting society is inspiring. Keep spreading the love