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My newsletter subscribers responded. I listened.

I received a massive 70% reply rate to a survey I issued to my newsletter subscribers. Thanks to them, I now have a fairly good idea how subscribers felt about the free copy of I Stopped Time they received in return for their email address. 

They rated it 4.77 out of 5.

76% recommended it to a friend.

28% recommended it to their book club.

57% recommended that a friend signed up for my newsletter to get their FREE copy.

58% posted a review on Amazon, Goodreads or another site of your choice.

85% visited my website or followed me on social media.

71% bought another of my books.

Of those who have read more than one of my books, 100% felt as if they have discovered a new favourite author.

 Great feedback!

Now onto those who hadn’t bought another one of my books. When it comes to options, readers have more choice than ever before. There are now over 5 million ebooks on Amazon alone. But I wanted to give something back to those for whom price is a factor. Believe me, I know what it’s like to be on a tight budget!

50% of subscribers told me that they cap their budget for a standalone eBook at $2.99. For the next 2 weeks, my award-winning novel An Unknown Woman has been chosen as a featured book by BookGoodies. To celebrate, I’ve reduced the price from $3.99/£3.49 to $1.99/£1.59. If you’d like to take advantage of a 49% discount, here’s your universal book link. (Just click on the logo for the retailer you’d like to buy from). At the same time, I have also reduced the price of These Fragile Things to $2.99 or £2.39. Here’s your link.

Unfortunately I can’t afford to offer all my books at these prices, but what I’ll try to do in future is rotate the discounts, so that you’ll always find at least one of my books within budget. 

Because 50% of subscribers told me that they only download free eBooks, I’m going to experiment with putting 2 of my titles in Kindle Unlimited. This will take a little time, so please bear with me. (I have to make sure that they are taken down from all other retailer sites first.)  

More Exciting Stuff!

Two of my titles made it onto Self-e’s list of Most Read Books of 2016.  I Stopped Time is joined by An Unknown Woman, a more contemporary read, but one I hope you’ll enjoy just as much.

I’ve just passed the 75,000 word count of my ‘work in progress’. That’s quite  a milestone. It’s usually the three-quarter way mark. This is only the first draft, so there is a lot of editing to come, but it is shaping up and starting to feel like a novel. In fact, I’m so engrossed in it that I don’t really want to do anything but write at the moment. (Unfortunately a leak in the kitchen means that there will also be DIY this weekend!) As for when you’ll be able to read it, I would never publish a book until I think it’s as good as it can possibly be, but I would like to get it out there around the time of my 50th birthday in October. (I know. I don’t look a day over 30.)     

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