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Withdrawal symptoms

What a relief it is to be back on line after a week with no email or internet access! They say that the need to check your emails is like an addiction. I have felt completely stranded. So what were these communications that I was so anxious that I was missing out on? News of…
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Alison Weir at Wimbledon Bookfest

It seemed very appropriate for Alison Weir, historian and now historical novelist, to hold her talk at Southside House, which is described, quite accurately it seems, as charmingly eccentric. Surrounded by heavy gilt-framed portraits and antiques, Alison gave her talk in the dim lighting of the music room. Although my view was obscured by a pillar, I was thoroughly…
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Wimbledon Bookfest

I hope you will forgive a little plug for my home town’s book festival, Wimbledon Bookfest, which takes place from 3rd – 11th October. The festival is launched with a community event in St Mark’s Place in the town centre on Saturday 3rd. Although the theme of this year’s festival is Darwin, one of the highlights…
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Radio 4 Bookclub

Yesterday, I was fortunate enough to be able to attend a recording of Radio 4’s Bookclub and to put questions to Linda Grant, author of When I Lived in Modern Times, which won the Orange Book Award in 2000. Linda spoke beautifully, so much so that she had answered most of the questions on my list…
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Back from the land of the Bard

There is a tide in the affairs of men, Which, taken at the flood, leads to fortune; Omitted, all the voyage of their life Is bound in the shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, And we must take the current when it serves, Or lose our ventures. (Julius…
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Weather 1 Tee Shirt 0

The intention had been to take my author t-shirt on tour in the Lake District and to have my photo taken on the top of every peak wearing it. Sadly, the weather didn’t want to co-operate. Either it was too wet, too windy or simply to cold to consider getting changed. Thus, the t-shirt only…
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