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Tag Archives: Victorian era

Why Mountains Play a Role in Small Eden

It may be Robert Cooke’s story I tell in Small Eden, but his mother Hettie undergoes a transformation of her own. Hettie’s parents were mountaineers, who named her after the ridge route in the Scottish highlands where they first met. After her father meets his end traversing that very same route, this proves too much…
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Virtual Book Club: Jane Steen introduces Lady Helena Investigates

I’m delighted to welcome Jane Steen to Virtual Book Club, my interview series that gives authors the opportunity to pitch their novels to your book club. This month I’m showcasing my fellow nominees for The Selfies (Best Self-published Work of Fiction) Award 2019. Whilst the judges of The Selfies Awards had only anticipated giving one award,…
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Virtual Book Club: Vicky Adin introduces Gwenna

Today, I’m delighted to welcome Vicky Adin to Virtual Book Club, an interview series which gives authors the opportunity to pitch their novels to your book club. Vicky is a New Zealand historical fiction author. She lives on the North Shore of Auckland within walking distance of the beach, the coffee shops and inspiration. After decades…
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