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Tag Archives: Historical Romance

A Virtual Book Club Special: Victoria Dougherty introduces ‘Breath’

I’m not sure I’m entitled to refer to today’s author interview as an episode of Virtual Book Club. You see, it concerns a book that doesn’t yet exist. Despite this obstacle, its author Victoria Dougherty wants to convince you that you’ll want to read it. In fact, she’d like you to help bring this book to…
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Virtual Book Club: Clare Flynn introduces The Chalky Sea

Today I’m delighted to welcome Clare Flynn to Virtual Book Club, the interview series in which authors have the opportunity to pitch their novels to your book club. Clare writes historical fiction with a strong sense of time and place and compelling characters. Her books often deal with characters who are displaced – forced out…
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Virtual Book Club: Merryn Allingham introduces The Buttonmaker’s Daughter

Today I’m delighted to welcome Merryn Allingham to Virtual Book Club, the interview series in which authors have the opportunity to pitch their novels to your book club.  Merryn Allingham worked for many years as a university lecturer and between job, family and pets, there was little time to write. But when the pressures eased, she…
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