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Tag Archives: On writing

Virtual Book Club: Award-winning author, Scott Semegran introduces To Squeeze a Prairie Dog

I’m delighted to welcome Scott Semegran to Virtual Book Club, my author interview series which gives authors the opportunity to pitch their books to your book club, be it virtual or real.   Scott is an award-winning writer of humorous fiction with a dose of heart. BlueInk Review described him best as “a gifted writer, with…
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Novel writing: Self-belief and Staying power (Part 1)

This week, I thought I’d take a break from the usual Virtual Book Club format. Instead, I put the same question to a number of authors.  “A novel requires stamina and grit,” says author Oyinkan Braithwaite. “You need a certain kind of faith in yourself and in what you are doing to bang out 40,000-plus…
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A Day in the Life: Chantelle Atkins, The Glorious Outsider

Today, I’m delighted to welcome Chantelle Atkins to A Day in the Life, my occasional interview series in which authors talk about their writing processes and inspiration.  Chantelle was born and raised in Dorset, England and still resides there now with her husband, four children and multiple pets. She is addicted to both reading and…
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Virtual Book Club: Elizabeth Gates introduces The Wolf of Dalriada

Today, I’m delighted to welcome Elizabeth Gates to Virtual Book Club, my interview series which gives authors the opportunity to pitch their novels to your book club. Between reading English Language & Literature at Bedford College, University of London, and acquiring an MA in Linguistics at the University of Essex, Elizabeth explored Europe as a teacher…
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A Day in the Life: Meet author Val Portelli

Today, I’m delighted to welcome Val Portelli to A Day in the Life, my occasional interview series in which authors give an insight into their writing routines, rituals and superstitions.  Despite receiving her first rejection letter aged nine from some lovely people at a well-known women’s magazine, she continued writing intermittently until a freak accident…
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A Day in the Life: Meet Angelena Boden

Today I’m delighted to welcome Angelena Boden to my blog to talk about her writing life.  Angelena (M.Soc.Sc PGDE) has spent thirty-five years as an international training consultant, specialising in behavioural management and conflict resolution. She trained in Transactional Analysis, the psychology of communication and behaviour, her preferred tool for counselling and coaching. Amongst her many…
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Virtual Book Club: Keith Dixon introduces One Punch

Today I’m delighted to welcome Keith Dixon to Virtual Book Club, the interview series in which authors have the opportunity to pitch their novels to your book club. Keith says that he began writing as a presumptuous teenager – producing scripts for the TV show ‘The Avengers’ and sending them off full of anticipation and…
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Virtual Book Club: Andrew Wallace Introduces Sons of the Crystal Mind

Today I’m delighted to welcome Andrew Wallace to Virtual Book Club, the interview series in which authors have the opportunity to pitch their novels to your book club. Andrew Wallace is the author of two far-future science fiction thrillers whose sub-genre could be described as ‘dystopian’. The first is Sons of the Crystal Mind and…
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Virtual Book Club: Leonora Meriel introduces The Woman Behind the Waterfall

Today I’m delighted to welcome Leonora Meriel to Virtual Book Club, the interview series in which authors have the opportunity to pitch their novels to your book club. Leonora grew up in London and studied literature at the University of Edinburgh and Queen’s University, Ontario. She worked at the United Nations in New York, and…
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Virtual Book Club: Andy Graham introduces Aijlan – The Silk Revolution

Today I’m delighted to welcome Andy Graham to Virtual Book Club, the interview series in which authors have the opportunity to pitch their novels to your book club.  British author Andy was born and brought up on the fringes of Europe, and now lives in the heart of Europe – Prague. He says that he…
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