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Tag Archives: My Counterfeit Self

The power of protest

I see so few novels about political activism and protest that I was excited to learn about the upcoming release of Laura Katz Olson’s novel, Wrinkled Rebels (published by Vine Leaves Press, 23 July 2024). Laura is Distinguished Professor of Political Science at Lehigh University. She received her bachelor’s degree from the City College of…
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The Plutonium Jubilee – a shameful anniversary

This month, it is seventy (70) years since Britain launched its atomic test programme in the Pacific, and yet Britain remains the only nuclear power to have withheld recognition from its nuclear test veterans. The British Nuclear Test Veterans have met opposition at every step of the way. It’s a subject I’ve blogged about before….
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Why there seems to be more pressure with every new release

In May 2016, while completing the final edits for my novel, My Counterfeit Self, I learned that my 2015 novel, An Unknown Woman, had won Writing Magazine’s Self-Published Book of the Year Award. They called it ‘an outstanding publication in every way.’ But, even as I was cracking open the champagne, the devil on my…
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My Counterfeit Self: Pre-order your copy now!

I’m very excited to announce that my new novel, My Counterfeit Self, is due for release on 1st October, but you can now pre-order your copy of the eBook at a very special price of 99p/99c. (The full price will be £2.99/$3.99.) Can I tempt you? ‘A compelling portrayal of the bohemian life of an…
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Novel London: Where readers meet writers through words

Tackling the escalators in an underground station while carrying a laptop bag and a suitcase full of books in Friday evening rush hour is not recommended under ordinary circumstance. But ordinary circumstances these were not. On one of the hottest evenings of the year to date, I left my day-job behind and wove my way…
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