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My March Reads

Yes, I know it is 9 April but, in my defence, The Mirror and the Light is very, very long, and I could hardly review half a book. So without further delay, here are my March reads.   A Perfect Explanation by Eleanor Anstruther What drew you to it? This book is a fictionalised account of…
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My February Reads

The books I’ve enjoyed this month, in order of reading.     The Flamethrowers by Rachel Kushner What drew me to it? Numerous nominations for major awards, and for a second novel? (The author’s 2018 novel, The Mars Room was nominated for the Booker.) Of course I wanted to see what all the fuss was about!…
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Life According to Literature & My January Reads

Well, it’s been a while. It’s February already (how did that happen?) and this really is my first post of the year… I thought I’d kick off by taking part in a fun challenge to give you an idea about some of the books I enjoyed in 2019. Davida Chazan, aka, The Chocolate Lady kindly…
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Virtual Book Club: Caroline Miley introduces Artist on Campaign

It’s been a while (working for real money, caring for Dementia Dad, trying to carve out some writing time) but today I’m delighted to welcome Caroline Miley to Virtual Book Club, my author interview series which gives authors the opportunity to pitch their books to your book club, be it virtual or real.   Caroline Miley…
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Virtual Book Club: Emma Baird introduces Artists Town

I’m delighted to welcome Emma Baird to Virtual Book Club, my author interview series which gives authors the opportunity to pitch their books to your book club, be it virtual or real.   Emma Baird is a freelance writer and the author of The Girl Who Swapped, Artists Town, Highland Fling and Ten Little Stars, as…
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Virtual Book Club: Award-winning author, Scott Semegran introduces To Squeeze a Prairie Dog

I’m delighted to welcome Scott Semegran to Virtual Book Club, my author interview series which gives authors the opportunity to pitch their books to your book club, be it virtual or real.   Scott is an award-winning writer of humorous fiction with a dose of heart. BlueInk Review described him best as “a gifted writer, with…
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Virtual Book Club: Lorraine Devon Wilke introduces The Alchemy of Noise

This week I’m taking a break from showcasing authors shortlisted for The Selfies Award to bring you news of a brand new release. I’m delighted to welcome Lorraine Devon Wilke to Virtual Book Club, my interview series that gives authors the opportunity to pitch their novels to your book club.  An accomplished writer in several genres…
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Virtual Book Club: Jane Steen introduces Lady Helena Investigates

I’m delighted to welcome Jane Steen to Virtual Book Club, my interview series that gives authors the opportunity to pitch their novels to your book club. This month I’m showcasing my fellow nominees for The Selfies (Best Self-published Work of Fiction) Award 2019. Whilst the judges of The Selfies Awards had only anticipated giving one award,…
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Channeling my inner Olivia Colman: Smash all the Windows wins The Selfies 2019

Winning an award produces a whole raft of emotions and, as Olivia Colman proved so charmingly at this year’s Oscars, it is impossible to predict how you’re going to react. I learned that I’d won the Daily Mail First Novel Award when I was at home on my own, beginning to get really quite nervous…
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Virtual Book Club: Kathleen Jowitt introduces A Spoke in the Wheel

I’m delighted to welcome Kathleen Jowitt back to Virtual Book Club, my interview series that gives authors the opportunity to pitch their novels to your book club. This month I’m showcasing my fellow nominees for The Selfies Award 2019. I last interviewed Kathleen about her novel, Speak its Name, which was the first self-published novel…
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