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Virtual Book Club: Christine Webber introduces her new novel, So Many Ways of Loving

Virtual Book Club has been socially distancing for a while but I’m delighted to be back with writer and broadcaster Christine Webber. We’ll be discussing her new novel, So Many Ways of Loving. Christine Webber tried various careers in her younger days – she was a classical singer, a Principal Boy in pantomimes, an undistinguished…
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Virtual Bookclub: Amie McCracken introduces Leaning into the Abyss

I’m delighted to welcome Amie McCracken to Virtual Book Club, my author interview series which gives authors the opportunity to pitch their books to your book club, be it virtual or real. Amie McCracken edits and typesets novels for self-published authors and helps writers polish their work. She describes herself as an imaginist, with a…
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Virtual Book Club: Liza Perrat introduces The Lost Blackbird

It’s been a while (launching a new book and working for real money) but today I’m delighted to welcome Liza Perrat to Virtual Book Club, my author interview series which gives authors the opportunity to pitch their books to your book club, be it virtual or real. Liza grew up in Australia, working as a…
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Equality in the Eyes of the Law?

Rosemary J Kind and I have several things in common. We both write historical fiction. In our latest releases we tackle the complicated theme of justice. “Equal justice under law is not merely a caption on the facade of the Supreme Court building, it is perhaps the most inspiring ideal of our society. It is…
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Launch day: It’s finally here!

It’s been a long time coming. Two years, 3 months and 6 days to be precise. But launch day is finally here. I want to start with a very big thank you to my advance readers, who have already been sending me feedback and asking about the best place to post reviews. I always suggest…
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Not Forgetting the Plague: A lockdown interview with John Ironmonger

It’s not every day that one of your favourite authors agrees to an interview, so I was more than a little giddy when John Ironmonger said yes!    For those of you who have yet to discover John’s fiction, let me introduce you. John is the author of The Notable Brain of Maximilian Ponder, The…
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Virtual Book Club: Caroline Miley introduces Artist on Campaign

It’s been a while (working for real money, caring for Dementia Dad, trying to carve out some writing time) but today I’m delighted to welcome Caroline Miley to Virtual Book Club, my author interview series which gives authors the opportunity to pitch their books to your book club, be it virtual or real.   Caroline Miley…
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Virtual Book Club: Emma Baird introduces Artists Town

I’m delighted to welcome Emma Baird to Virtual Book Club, my author interview series which gives authors the opportunity to pitch their books to your book club, be it virtual or real.   Emma Baird is a freelance writer and the author of The Girl Who Swapped, Artists Town, Highland Fling and Ten Little Stars, as…
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Virtual Book Club: Award-winning author, Scott Semegran introduces To Squeeze a Prairie Dog

I’m delighted to welcome Scott Semegran to Virtual Book Club, my author interview series which gives authors the opportunity to pitch their books to your book club, be it virtual or real.   Scott is an award-winning writer of humorous fiction with a dose of heart. BlueInk Review described him best as “a gifted writer, with…
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Virtual Book Club: Lorraine Devon Wilke introduces The Alchemy of Noise

This week I’m taking a break from showcasing authors shortlisted for The Selfies Award to bring you news of a brand new release. I’m delighted to welcome Lorraine Devon Wilke to Virtual Book Club, my interview series that gives authors the opportunity to pitch their novels to your book club.  An accomplished writer in several genres…
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